North Korean Leader Supervises Missile Test, Warns Of Aggressive Posture In Sea Boundary With South, Kim Jong Un

North Korea

What North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un Is Saying

North Korea state media says leader Kim Jong Un has supervised a test of new surface-to-sea missiles and warned that the country would take a more aggressive military posture in disputed sea boundaries with war-divided rival South Korea

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un supervised a test of new surface-to-sea missiles and warned that the country would take a more aggressive military posture in disputed sea boundaries with war-divided rival South Korea, the North’s state media said Thursday.

The report came from north Korea’s official Korean Central News Agency came a day after South Korea’s said that they detected cruise missiles in water from North Korea from its eastern port of Wonsan.

Some experts say that Kim will put pressure in an election year in South Korea and United States. There is growing concerns in South Korea that the conflict will increase as the poorly drawn western sea boundary.

Kim says that the test launch of the missile are key weapons for the navy. He also accused South Korea that they are violating countries border on the sea by sending third party ships. He ordered his navy to strengthen its defense posture in waters near the South Korean border islands of Baekryeong and Yeonpyeong, where a North Korean artillery bombardment killed four people in 2010.

“It doesn’t matter how many lines exist in (North Korea’s) western sea and what’s clear is that if the enemy violates what we consider as our maritime border lines, we will take that as a violation of our sovereignty and an armed provocation,” KCNA paraphrased Kim as saying.

Those comments were in line with a speech Kim gave at Pyongyang’s rubber-stamp parliament on Jan. 15, when he reiterated that his country does not recognize the Northern Limit Line, which was drawn up by the U.S.-led U.N. Command at the end of the 1950-53 Korean War. North Korea insists upon a boundary that encroaches deeply into waters currently controlled by South Korea.

Kim told the Supreme People’s Assembly that if South Korea “violates even 0.001 millimeter of our territorial land, air and waters, it will be considered a war provocation.” In the same speech, Kim also declared that the North was abandoning its long-standing goal of reconciliation with the South and repeated a threat that it would annihilate its rival with nukes if provoked.

KCNA also on Thursday said Kim separately inspected an unidentified munitions factory, where he issued instructions to increase the quality and quantity of the weapons produced. Photos published by state media implied that the facility produces artillery.

The United States and South Korea have accused North Korea of providing artillery shells, ballistic missiles and other military equipment to Russia to help prolong its warfighting in Ukraine, possibly in exchange for economic aid and military assistance aimed at advancing Kim’s forces. Kim in recent months has been boosting the visibility of his ties with Moscow and Beijing as he tries to break out of diplomatic isolation and join a united front against Washington.

Following a separate, year-end political conference at which Kim accused South Korea of hostility, North Korea in early January fired hundreds of artillery rounds on three consecutive days near the western sea boundary with South Korea. That prompted the South to conduct similar firings in response. The artillery firings caused no known casualties or damage on either side.

North Korea earlier test-fired a new strategic cruise missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead on 24 January. It then fired a submarine-launched cruise missile on 28 January, and two additional rounds of tests from the west coast in the same week, reported Yonhap News Agency. Since cruise missiles fly low, they are harder to detect and intercept.

Experts have raised concerns that the weapon tests are being done before being sent to Russia for their war on Ukraine. “It is believed that North Korea exported large quantities of multiple rocket launchers to Russia last year,” Ahn Chan-il, a defector-turned-researcher who runs the World Institute for North Korea Studies, told AFP.

He said that there may have been issues with the quality of weapons shipped to Moscow and the weapons are being tested to “address the issue”.

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